Pygmy chameleon
P.S. 31 Dec: New Scientist names its weirdest animals of 2008 (and the headliner for the tenth of these could almost be from The Onion) .
21 December 2008
19 December 2008
Swallows streaking in and out through the row of brokenW S Merwin
panes over the front door went on with their conversation
of afterthoughts whatever they had been settling
about early summer and nests and the late daylight
and the vacant dwellings of swallows in the beams
let their dust filter down as I brought in my bed
while the door stood open onto the stone sill smoothed to water
by the fret of inhabitants never known to me
and when I turned to look back I did not recognise a thing
the sound of flying whirred past me a voice called far away
the swallows grew still and bats came out as light as breath
around the stranger by himself in the echoes
what did I have to do with anything I could remember
all I did not know went on beginning around me
I had thought it would come later but it had been waiting
18 December 2008
Wonders and monsters
P Z Myers reflects on teratology, and its lessons for human dignity.
Armand Marie Leroi quotes Francis Bacon (Novum Organum, 1620):
1. Mutants: On the Form, Varieties and Errors of the Human Body (2003)
Armand Marie Leroi quotes Francis Bacon (Novum Organum, 1620):
We should, [Bacon] says, study deviant instances. "For once a nature has been observed in it variations, and the reason for it has been made clear, it will be an easy matter to bring that nature by art to the point it reached by chance." Centuries ahead of his time Bacon recognised that the pursuit of the causes of error is not an end in itself, but rather just a means. The monstrous, the strange, the deviant, or merely the different, he is saying, reveal the laws of nature. And once we know those laws, we can reconstruct the world as we wish. [1]
1. Mutants: On the Form, Varieties and Errors of the Human Body (2003)
All whom war, dearth, age, agues, tyrannies, despair, law, chance hath slain
This is rather odd but worth a look.
17 December 2008
Invasion of the body snatchers!
Parasites that control the minds of their hosts -- whether those hosts be fish, 'zombie' caterpillars, 'brainwashed' grasshoppers or even humans -- make for great headlines, resonanting all kinds of uncomfortable thoughts on the edge of consciousness. [1] In general, 'parasite' is a term of abuse in our culture, and scientists, notes Carl Zimmer [2], took a long time to get beyond this. Konrad Lorenz, for example, saw their only virtue as a warning to humans. "A retrogression of specific human characeristics and capacities conjures up the terrifying specter of the less than human, even of the inhuman". [3] But, argues Zimmer,
1. Humans fear parasitic infestations, of course, and often with good reason. At least as disturbingly, we apply the term to other people and groups of people, sometimes with horrendous political consequences. And there is sometimes for some people a lurking sense that we ourselves as a species are parasitic (the borderland between parasite and predator not being well defined).
2. Parasite Rex (2000). The book is sensationally subtitled Inside the Bizarre World of Nature's Most Dangerous Creatures.
3. According to Kenan Malik's account (Man, Beast and Zombie. 2000), Lorenz saw civilisation as a degradation of the natural state of Man, the great hunter of the Upper Paleolithic. Lorenz was, notes Malik, highly sympathetic to Nazi ideology.
4. Just one example of a recent step to better understand and manage a remarkable protozoan is the work by Hugo D. Luján et al reported here. Unlike most of its fellow eukaryotes, giardia has no mitochondria. Even stranger, each giardia cell has two nuclei.
Image: hookworm
parasites are complex, highly adaptive creatures at the heart of the story of life. If there hadn't been such high walls dividing scientists who study life --the zoologists, the immunologists, the mathematical biologists, the ecologists -- parasites might have been recognised sooner as not disgusting, or at least as not merely disgusting.Parasites find themselves a vast number of ecological niches, he notes; they even find out a way to parcel out the human eye: one species of worm in the retina, one in the chamber, one in the white of the eye, one in the orbit. Zimmer also suggests that an assertion made back in 1845 by Johann Steenstrup, a pioneer in the study of flukes, is still relevant:
I believe that I have given only the first rough outline of a province of a great terra incognita which lies unexplored before us and the exploration of which promises a return such as we can at present scarcely appreciate.[4]Footnotes:
1. Humans fear parasitic infestations, of course, and often with good reason. At least as disturbingly, we apply the term to other people and groups of people, sometimes with horrendous political consequences. And there is sometimes for some people a lurking sense that we ourselves as a species are parasitic (the borderland between parasite and predator not being well defined).
2. Parasite Rex (2000). The book is sensationally subtitled Inside the Bizarre World of Nature's Most Dangerous Creatures.
3. According to Kenan Malik's account (Man, Beast and Zombie. 2000), Lorenz saw civilisation as a degradation of the natural state of Man, the great hunter of the Upper Paleolithic. Lorenz was, notes Malik, highly sympathetic to Nazi ideology.
4. Just one example of a recent step to better understand and manage a remarkable protozoan is the work by Hugo D. Luján et al reported here. Unlike most of its fellow eukaryotes, giardia has no mitochondria. Even stranger, each giardia cell has two nuclei.
Image: hookworm
16 December 2008
From the shallows
Zooillogix is finally living up to the 'x' in our namesake. We have discovered a microscopic animal that engages in lesbian sex with its dead female friends in order to obtain DNA and thus survive to reproduce.Zx. has humourously repackaged for Xmas a paper by Gladyshev et al. that actually dates from May 08, and was reported at the time. Calling what is involved 'sex' is a real stretch. Anyway, the findings do seem to shed light on the apparent conundrum that bdelloid rotifers have survived more than 80 million years without sex.
15 December 2008
Exterminate the brutes
Green blood, turquoise bones
Chiromantis samkosensis, a tree frog found in Cambodia, is one of over a thousand species previously unknown to science discovered in the Greater Mekong in the last decade (press release, pictures).
14 December 2008
13 December 2008
Two species of tropical bats thought to issue feeble calls -- a bug-eater called the long-legged bat and the Jamaican fruit bat -- send out echolocations that peak at an ear-splitting 110 decibels. That's about as loud as a rock concert from the front row and intense enough to cause permanent ear damage.-- New Scientist
12 December 2008
11 December 2008
A right to become
Jessica Loudis considers Ecuador's passage of a Rights of Nature Act [1] in the light of the thinking of Hannah Arendt, "one of the founders of modern human rights theory", but with this caveat:
Loudis also suggests that Arendt's concept of natality, or "the capacity for beginning," is helpful when thinking about how to treat the Ecuadorian Act:
1. See Rights and persons.
2. Frontiers of Justice (2006) . See also Human being and Twisting the sinews.
In The Origins of Totalitarianism, Arendt noted that one of the greatest perils to human rights was that it could lapse into the rhetoric of animal rights...thus losing sight of the fundamental dignity of man. In light of this concern, while Arendt is a helpful tool for evaluating the RoN, I'm certain that she would have loathed the application of her thinking in this context.Perhaps not. I wonder whether Arendt, were she alive today, would agree with Martha Nussbaum [2] on the case for recognizing rights (among them a right to flourish) for entities outside traditional categories, including non-human animals, and would not see these as incompatible with human dignity or in any way demeaning of it.
Loudis also suggests that Arendt's concept of natality, or "the capacity for beginning," is helpful when thinking about how to treat the Ecuadorian Act:
For Arendt, natality signifies not just birth, but also the possibility of radical newness, of remaking the world over and over again through "the entry of a novel creature... as something entirely new." Natality, in other words, is the thing that both enables politics and also saves it from itself through offering the possibility of renewal, and as such, the possibility of difference.I'd like to suggest a broader conception of natality than Arendt had in mind may be helpful. We should think not only about the individual or the species, important as those are, but also about what species and assemblages of species in ecosystems have the potential to evolve into. As Tom Bailey writes:
What is worth considering is how it could be possible to conserve what biologically might exist – to adopt Gould’s coinage, the “morphospace” of an organism, its theoretical ‘adaptive landscape’ of what might evolve from it in a certain timescale. To push the boat even further: How should we go about conserving hypothetical organisms, of which we have no certain idea that they will ever exist in the future? Do we have an obligation to do so?Pimelodus cyclopum, known today as Astroblepus cyclopus or Preñadilla, 'the little pregnant one'. "Volcanoes vomiting fish is such a common phenomenon, and so well-known among all the local inhabitants, that there can not be the slightest doubt of its authenticity" -- Alexander von Humboldt.
1. See Rights and persons.
2. Frontiers of Justice (2006) . See also Human being and Twisting the sinews.
Eclipse of the crocodile
-- Hamilton Wende. It sounds from the report as if deliberate extirpation of the crocs by a rapidly growing human population may also be playing a role.Crocodiles have been on the Earth for some 200m years but now, in this corner of [Southern] Africa, because of pollution and global warming caused by humans, even their ancient existence may be threatened.
News flash
Evolutionary biologists have studied synchronous flashing [of fireflies] for 200 years...and it remains a mystery. But it is a spectacle that may be disappearing.-- from Ban Lomtuan Journal by Seth Mydans.
10 December 2008
A glass almost half full
Encouragingly, 45 percent of the world’s [coral] reefs are currently healthy.-- from an IUCN press release
Rob Spence, a 36-year-old Canadian filmmaker, is not content with having one blind eye. He wants a wireless video camera inside his prosthetic, giving him the ability to make movies wherever he is, all the time, just by looking around. "If you lose your eye and have a hole in your head, then why not stick a camera in there?" he asks.-- Wired
Image: scallop
9 December 2008
Here, for no particular reason, are three images of crabs:
Hermit crab with anemone (via Reinhold Leinfelder).
Coconut crab (via Daily Kos Marine Life Series).
Feather star crab on its host (from the feature A world of crabs on one tiny island, via Zooillogix ).
Hermit crab with anemone (via Reinhold Leinfelder).
Coconut crab (via Daily Kos Marine Life Series).
Feather star crab on its host (from the feature A world of crabs on one tiny island, via Zooillogix ).
8 December 2008
Human being
I'm no historian of game theory, but I'm fairly sure that this, from an essay in Nature's series Being Human, has been well understood for a few decades:
Over time, however, networks have become larger and deeper. Half a millennium of rapid technological advance and intense conflict reforged Europe from some 500 city states, bishoprics, principalities and other sovereign bodies into about 27 states, now acting in union (more or less!). The parochial form of altruism, in which we only co-operate narrowly and are in a state of near permanent war with most other groups, is (Bowles concludes) "part of the human legacy but it need not be our fate." [4]
Right now, however, there are at least three kinds of breakdown and/or incipient conflict that need attention: those internal to particular nations and/or economic groups; those between nations and groups; and those concerning beings, such as future generations, unable to speak for themselves [5].
An example of the first is the breakdown in trust occasioned in part by the privatisation of gains but socialisation losses by financial and corporate elites in rich countries [6]. An example of the second is failure of outside countries to exercise their responsibility to protect large numbers of people at high risk in places like Congo and Zimbabwe [7]. An example of the third is the failure, so far, of world governments to act effectively on climate change [8].
1. Generosity: a winner's advice by Martin Nowak. Nature 456, 579 (4 December 2008). Nowak wants to "add cooperation to mutation and selection as a fundamental force of evolution." Lynn Margulis and many others would probably say they already made the case decades ago. But it's not a view shared by, for example, Steve Jones in Coral.
2. Conflict: Altruism's midwife by Samuel Bowles, Nature 456, 326-327 (20 November 2008).
3. An poignant instance of inter-group conflict and intra-group co-operation seems to come from evidence of the earliest DNA so far discovered of a whole family, buried together about 4,200 years ago near the Saale River in Germany. See report. This example long post-dates the beginnings of agriculture, of course.
4. For optimism see also, for example, Robert Wright. For pessimism see, say, this. And here Gideon Rachman considers the possibility of global government.
5. Something like the three problems identified by Martha Nussbaum in Frontiers of Justice.
6. See, for example Paying the Piper - Frances Cairncross, BBC Radio 4. [ 8 Dec addition: a striking recent small illustration is the case of Marc S. Dreier. 12 Dec: or Bernard Madoff. 13 Dec: comment from Frank Rich. See also Control Fraud.]
7. The 'responsibility to protect', a far-reaching principle that holds that states have a responsibility to protect the lives, liberty, and basic human rights of their citizens and that if they fail or unable to carry this out, the international community has a responsibility to step in. In Terror and Consent, Phillip Bobbit notes that Lee Feinstein and Anne-Marie Slaughter have proposed a corollary that would change international law to recognize a 'duty to prevent' -- that is, to create a legal obligation for outside intervention when a state commits crimes against humanity, develops weapons of mass destruction or shelters terrorists. Bobbit, who was an adviser to John McCain in the recent presidential campaign, argues for something like this, concluding that when 'we' finally get serious in the 'Wars against Terror', "we will face a threat to mankind that is unprecedented and is potentially measureless in its tragedy."
8. Roman Krznaric argues that this can in part be overcome by reducing an empathy deficit, citing Barack Obama as a source of hope. [For the record, I think that while 'denial' is a significant problem hindering effective policies on climate change, it is not the only one. At least as significant, I think, is a simple failure to understand the non-intuitive nature of stock and flow -- or, in simpler terms, that if you stop increasing your credit card debt it doesn't mean that the debt goes away.]
Most of our interactions occur in a population of players, and pay-off accumulates over encounters with many different people. Because overall success is proportional to the sum of that pay-off, the other person in any one encounter is more a partner than an opponent. [1]A more pressing matter, arguably, is how broadly and deeply networks of partnership extend. Historically, it's often argued, the boundaries have been quite narrow and shallow. For example, during the late Pleistocene, writes Samuel Bowles in another essay in the series [2], competition between small hunter-gatherer groups, each of them internally altruistic, was rife. Over seven millennia in the Channel Islands off southern California, for example, "conflict [between groups] accounted for a much larger fraction of deaths than occurred during Europe's just concluded century of total war" [3].
Over time, however, networks have become larger and deeper. Half a millennium of rapid technological advance and intense conflict reforged Europe from some 500 city states, bishoprics, principalities and other sovereign bodies into about 27 states, now acting in union (more or less!). The parochial form of altruism, in which we only co-operate narrowly and are in a state of near permanent war with most other groups, is (Bowles concludes) "part of the human legacy but it need not be our fate." [4]
Right now, however, there are at least three kinds of breakdown and/or incipient conflict that need attention: those internal to particular nations and/or economic groups; those between nations and groups; and those concerning beings, such as future generations, unable to speak for themselves [5].
An example of the first is the breakdown in trust occasioned in part by the privatisation of gains but socialisation losses by financial and corporate elites in rich countries [6]. An example of the second is failure of outside countries to exercise their responsibility to protect large numbers of people at high risk in places like Congo and Zimbabwe [7]. An example of the third is the failure, so far, of world governments to act effectively on climate change [8].
1. Generosity: a winner's advice by Martin Nowak. Nature 456, 579 (4 December 2008). Nowak wants to "add cooperation to mutation and selection as a fundamental force of evolution." Lynn Margulis and many others would probably say they already made the case decades ago. But it's not a view shared by, for example, Steve Jones in Coral.
2. Conflict: Altruism's midwife by Samuel Bowles, Nature 456, 326-327 (20 November 2008).
3. An poignant instance of inter-group conflict and intra-group co-operation seems to come from evidence of the earliest DNA so far discovered of a whole family, buried together about 4,200 years ago near the Saale River in Germany. See report. This example long post-dates the beginnings of agriculture, of course.
4. For optimism see also, for example, Robert Wright. For pessimism see, say, this. And here Gideon Rachman considers the possibility of global government.
5. Something like the three problems identified by Martha Nussbaum in Frontiers of Justice.
6. See, for example Paying the Piper - Frances Cairncross, BBC Radio 4. [ 8 Dec addition: a striking recent small illustration is the case of Marc S. Dreier. 12 Dec: or Bernard Madoff. 13 Dec: comment from Frank Rich. See also Control Fraud.]
7. The 'responsibility to protect', a far-reaching principle that holds that states have a responsibility to protect the lives, liberty, and basic human rights of their citizens and that if they fail or unable to carry this out, the international community has a responsibility to step in. In Terror and Consent, Phillip Bobbit notes that Lee Feinstein and Anne-Marie Slaughter have proposed a corollary that would change international law to recognize a 'duty to prevent' -- that is, to create a legal obligation for outside intervention when a state commits crimes against humanity, develops weapons of mass destruction or shelters terrorists. Bobbit, who was an adviser to John McCain in the recent presidential campaign, argues for something like this, concluding that when 'we' finally get serious in the 'Wars against Terror', "we will face a threat to mankind that is unprecedented and is potentially measureless in its tragedy."
8. Roman Krznaric argues that this can in part be overcome by reducing an empathy deficit, citing Barack Obama as a source of hope. [For the record, I think that while 'denial' is a significant problem hindering effective policies on climate change, it is not the only one. At least as significant, I think, is a simple failure to understand the non-intuitive nature of stock and flow -- or, in simpler terms, that if you stop increasing your credit card debt it doesn't mean that the debt goes away.]
7 December 2008
6 December 2008
'The Evolution of Poisonous Birds'
Batrachotoxins are extremely potent cardio- and neurotoxic steroidal alkaloids found in South American poison dart frogs and Melyridae beetles -- and remarkably, in the skin and feathers of five of the six pitohui species of New Guinea. Astonishingly, another avian species, Ifrita kowaldi, was later discovered to have batrachotoxins in its plumage, too.-- Grrlscientist
A world that containts giant spherical bunnies and poisonous birds is worth living in, says Coturnix.
5 December 2008
Our experiments reveal that healthy volunteers can indeed experience other people's bodies, as well as artificial bodies, as being their own. This effect is so robust that, while experiencing being in another person's body, a participant can face his or her biological body and shake hands with it without breaking the illusion. The existence of this illusion (and the identification of the factors triggering it) represents a major advance because it informs us about the processes that make us feel that we own our body in its entirety.The findings in If I Were You: Perceptual Illusion of Body Swapping by Valeria I. Petkova, H. Henrik Ehrsson are remarkable and, not surprisingly, have been widely reported.
Consider them, perhaps, in relation to a more general phenomena: on the down side, a human capacity to mistake our place in life as a whole; on the upside, a capacity for sympathy.
P.S. Only an object that looks like a human body can be 'owned', write Petkova and Ehrsson, but their control was a rectangular object, a green box the same size as a mannequin. What if they used the forms of other animals?
P.S. 9 Dec. Related - Primal, Acute and Easily Duped: Our Sense of Touch
Image: Vishvarupa
Twisting the sinews
Martha Nussbaum thinks about animals in conversation with Alan Saunders (transcript).
Weighted balls that simulate struggling prey for tigers in zoos, contraception for elephants: yes, these (and much else in the discussion and her book) are worth serious thought -- not least that humans are hereby taking control of, or at least playing a key role in, not only the survival (or otherwise) of existing species but also their future evolution.
Natural selection -- including, for example, the evolution of faster and more subtle prey -- framed the tiger's fearful stealth and strength. What will a ball on a string, or a robot, do?
Plenty of what humans do has inadvertent selectionary pressures, of course. Propeller and artificial noise in the oceans, for example, has shrunk the auditory world of whales from hundreds or even thousands of miles into a 'tiny bubble' (says Christopher Clark as reported by Stephen Palumbi): in that case, we are 'selecting' for the diminishment or even the end of one of the world's greatest musical wonders.
As Stephen Palumbi has said, "it is time we started taking responsibility for our evolutionary actions. "
4 December 2008
Helping to plan an arts and environment event for next June, I came across this anecdote in a report about a climate/theatre event organised by Lawrence Weschler in New York earlier this year. It's not new, of course, but may be an interesting reminder of what can be possible:
The discovery [in 1967 by Roger Payne and Scott McVay that humpback whales produced a repeated pattern of sounds that could be described as a song] was both lucky and deliberate. [Payne] had studied the auditory faculties of bats and owls, but decided to focus his work on an animal that might draw attention to what he saw, even then, as an environmental crisis. He had never seen a whale, he said, but decided that if he found “some groovy thing” about whales that it would grab the public’s interest.[Hat tip Ashdenizen for Weschler ref]
Having found something about whales that was far groovier than he could have imagined, Dr. Payne set out to find composers, writers and musicians who could propel the finding into popular culture.
P.S. 5 Dec: Three theatrico-cetaceacal links from Ashdenizen:Rothenberg, whales onstage and narwhal story.
3 December 2008
Bounded in a nutshell
A previous post on this blog, Kin, noted five characteristics or behaviours that are still regarded as uniquely human, and I've suggested (as have others) another: the capacity to do science itself. Here is David Deutsch in The Fabric of Reality:
1. Stephen Hawking’s (jokey) description of humanity: "The human race is just a chemical scum on a moderate size planet, orbiting around a very average star in the outer suburb of one among a hundred billion galaxies."
2. In The Fabric of Reality, Deutsch argues that "we are not heading away from a state in which one person could understand everything that is understood, but towards it".
Images: A Five Quasar Gravitational Lens, Heart and soul nebulae
Many other physical systems, such as animals' brains, computer or other machines, can assimilate facts and act upon them. But at present we know nothing that is capable of understanding an explanation -- or of wanting one in the first place -- other than the human mind.And in What is our place in the cosmos? Deutsch takes this all the way:
one physical system, the [human] brain, contains an accurate working model of the other, the quasar; not just a superficial image of it – though it contains that as well – but an explanatory model, embodying the same mathematical relationships and same causal structure – that is knowledge. And if that wasn't amazing enough the faifthfulness with which the one structure resembles the other is increasing with time. That is the growth of knowledge. So the laws of physics have this special property: the physical structures as unlike each other as they can possibly be can embody the same mathematical and causal structure and do it more and more so over time. ..We are a 'chemical scum' [1] that is different. This chemical scum contains with ever increasing precision the structure of everything. [2]
1. Stephen Hawking’s (jokey) description of humanity: "The human race is just a chemical scum on a moderate size planet, orbiting around a very average star in the outer suburb of one among a hundred billion galaxies."
2. In The Fabric of Reality, Deutsch argues that "we are not heading away from a state in which one person could understand everything that is understood, but towards it".
Images: A Five Quasar Gravitational Lens, Heart and soul nebulae
2 December 2008
Cooking up trouble
One of the fastest-growing technologies is DNA synthesis, which offers new capabilities to alter the genes of existing pathogens or synthesize them artificially. While governments, trade groups and professional organizations are experimenting with various voluntary controls over such new capabilities, the United States should lead a global effort to strengthen oversight and clamp down on the unregulated export of deadly microbes...-- Report Sounds Alarm Over Bioterror
Image: Ebola virus
Vestige of a beginning?
The stage was set for life probably 4.4 billion years ago, but I don’t know if the actors were present.-- Stephen J. Mojzsis, quoted in an article reporting suggestions that life may have originated in the Hadean period, considerably earlier the 3.83 billion years old trace of life claimed hitherto.
1 December 2008
Cold stars
Starfish, South Orkney -- from a gallery of photographs illustrating the first comprehensive "inventory" of sea and land animals around a group of Antarctic islands.
Between the ice and a hard place
500 trapped narwhals culled in Canada, noted the blogs last week. But it's not just the ice that gets them; they are also hunted legally in Nunavut. The photographer Paul Nicklen says, "the replacement of traditional weapons by rifles means that many more narwhal are killed or wounded than are retrieved. Figures vary, but it is estimated that from 30 to 70 percent of those shot are lost".
30 November 2008
No more num num
Faroe islanders told to stop eating 'toxic' whales
P.S. 5 Dec: The Icelanders and the Japanese are not put off, though.
29 November 2008
27 November 2008
'Cool lines' from Shane McConkey.
See also 'A walk in the clouds' and, of course, the ultimate.
Perfection is finally attained not when there is no longer anything to add, but when there is no longer anything to take away, when a body has been stripped down to its nakedness.-- Antoine de Saint Exupéry.
See also 'A walk in the clouds' and, of course, the ultimate.
26 November 2008
An eye "very imperfect and simple"
The brittlestar has an entire carapace pitted with optically tuned calcite crystals.[1]
The photo is featured in a Darwin 'special' in Nature. The editorial says:
[1] P.S. 28 Nov: There's a note on brittlestars by Mark H at Daily Kos
The photo is featured in a Darwin 'special' in Nature. The editorial says:
An even more likely development [in the next 50 years than the discovery of life beyond Earth] is that life will be created de novo here on Earth. The first experiments in whole-organism synthetic biology, such as the synthetic mycoplasma being worked on at the J. Craig Venter Institute in Rockville, Maryland, will cleave quite closely to the designs already developed by natural selection. But there are already schemes for going further — for using different genetic codes, for example. Although the synthesis of complex organisms might remain the stuff of fantasy for some time, new ways of building self-replicating, one-genome, one-cell organisms seem quite plausible. The development of creatures born from an idea, not an ancestor, will undoubtedly provide new insights into evolution, not least because the proclivities of such creatures to evolve will need to be kept in check.
[1] P.S. 28 Nov: There's a note on brittlestars by Mark H at Daily Kos
The ecological niche that human beings occupy depends on virtual reality as directly and absolutely as the ecological niche that koala bears occupy depends on eucalyptus leaves.-- from The Fabric of Reality by David Deutsch
25 November 2008
Let's do it
...and then there are the flatworms (P.S. 25 Nov: not to mention Rachel Johnson for the worst animal metaphors)
24 November 2008
23 November 2008
There is little doubt that it would be fun to see a living, breathing woolly mammoth...We’re just not sure that it would be all that much fun for the mammoth. The first mammoth would be a lonely zoo freak, vulnerable to diseases unknown to its ancestors.-- from an editorial in The New York Times. Update, 25 Nov:
The absence of mammoths isn’t exactly a pressing problem. What is pressing is the number of species we are currently in danger of losing.adds Olivia Judson, who has also written recently on celebrating new species (All hail the apple maggot!) .
22 November 2008
The rocks themselves
Rocks and life evolved in parallel. It's so obvious - you wonder why we geologists didn't think of it before.says Robert Hazen to New Scientist. But the word "evolve" in this context should be treated with caution, as Hazen says here:
Mineral evolution is obviously different from Darwinian evolution—minerals don’t mutate, reproduce or compete like living organisms. But we found both the variety and relative abundances of minerals have changed dramatically over more than 4.5 billion years of Earth’s history.
21 November 2008
More than slime
We were looking for pretty animals that have eyes, are coloured, or glow in the dark; instead, the most interesting find was the organism that was blind, brainless, and completely covered in mud.-- says Mikhail "Misha" Matz, who thinks the giant protists' bubble-like structure is probably one of the planet's oldest body designs, and may have existed for 1.8 billion years. (BBC report here. Richard Dawkins posts a Discovery report here )
These beings, which have 'a number of openings all over the body act as mouths and outlets for waste', are about 3cm across. Their cousins [?] the Xenophyophores, can be 20cm across.
P.S. 2 Dec: NYT
20 November 2008
The eyes have it
The first sighting of a pygmy tarsier in more than 80 years is celebrated. This sounds like good news...unless it sends the poachers after those that remain (or is indicative of extirpation from a final patch of surviving habitat etc etc).
In the contemporary West we tend to think of the various tarsier species as cute, as well as fascinating. But I recently heard David Macdonald say that local people in an area of S E Asia where he worked in the 1970s (I think) would deny ever seeing them at all because to do so was believed to cause stillbirth in women and all other kinds of bad luck.
P.S. More at Afarensis.
In the contemporary West we tend to think of the various tarsier species as cute, as well as fascinating. But I recently heard David Macdonald say that local people in an area of S E Asia where he worked in the 1970s (I think) would deny ever seeing them at all because to do so was believed to cause stillbirth in women and all other kinds of bad luck.
P.S. More at Afarensis.
What ghosts are we
Barcelona en tranvía - 1908
[See also Boulevard du Temple, Paris - 1838 or 1839 -- the first known photograph of a human (bottom left)]
What if the person you had been is only a memory...held by others?-- Sue Halpern quoted by Michael Greenberg.
[See also Boulevard du Temple, Paris - 1838 or 1839 -- the first known photograph of a human (bottom left)]
19 November 2008
'Stabs us from behind with the thought...'
Another mention of Borges in today's Guardian is made by Ian McEwan in an article on the challenge of climate change:
The fictional head of a snake has begun to devour its actually existing tail - a circularity the great Argentinean fabulist, Jorge Luis Borges, would have appreciated.McEwan employs the circular snake, Ouroboros, as a metaphor for how fears and imaginings can take over reality. This post notes a few points about the use of Ouroboros in myth. Wikipedia begins with the 'upside':
Ouroboros often represents self-reflexivity or cyclicality, especially in the sense of something constantly re-creating itself, the eternal return, and other things perceived as cycles that begin anew as soon as they end.And Borges begins:
To us the ocean is a sea or a system of seas; to the Greeks it was a simple circular river that ringed the land mass. All streams flowed from it [sic] and it had neither outlets nor sources.[1]But he concludes with some darker lines on Midgardsormr (or Jörmungandr), the world-circling serpent of Norse mythology, which will devour the earth at the Twighlight of the Gods.
One could add that Wally Broecker's climate beast, should it exist, probably dwells in the deep.
If unstoppable and catastrophic change is already locked into the system, then perhaps the more appropriate metaphor comes from Lucian who, as Philip Hoare notes:
told of a whale [2] one hundred and fifty miles long in which was contained an entire nation and men who believed themselves to be dead, years after they were first engulfed.
[1] Martin Rees uses Ouroboros to link the smallest particles to the cosmos as a whole:
The way stars shine depends on nuclei within those atoms. Galaxies may be held together by the gravity of a huge swarm of subnuclear particles.[2] Sometimes, no distinction was made in ancient minds between whales and sea serpents.
(Image: serpent in old Greek alchemical manuscript. See also Blake's Behemoth and Leviathan.)
Here comes the chopper
Now, [George W.] Bush has entered into his own midnight period, and it promises to be a dark time indeed. Among the many new regulations—or, rather, deregulations—the Administration has proposed are rules that would: make it harder for the government to limit workers’ exposure to toxins, eliminate environmental review from decisions affecting fisheries, and ease restrictions on companies that blow up mountains to get at the coal underneath them. Other midnight regulations in the works include rules to allow “factory farms” to ignore the Clean Water Act, rules making it tougher for employees to take family or medical leave, and rules that would effectively gut the Endangered Species Act.-- Elizabeth Kolbert
Borgesian monsters
At this stage in the proceedings, the most likely place to find Diego Armando Maradona ought to be in the pages of his compatriot Jorge Luis Borges's Book of Imaginary Beings, alongside the stiff-bristled, mud-wallowing Catoblepas, the 100-mile-long Earthquake fish, the weeping, wart-covered Squonk and the Peryton of the ancient world - half-deer, half-bird, but casting the shadow of a man.-- Richard Williams
The war on teddy bears
When I was a correspondent in Kabul in 1997 I kept a pretty good list in my head of everything that was outlawed. And so at a press conference when the head of the Taliban Department for Preventing Vice and Promoting Virtue mentioned in passing that of course teddy bears had been banned, I knew they weren't on the list. So I said, actually teddy bears aren't banned. The Vice and Virtue man looked at me and said, OK then we'll ban them tonight.--Alan Johnston in the second of two broadcasts about 'thirty years of conflict and chaos in Afghanistan'.
Fig 1. The suspect: Johnston - no friend to Afghan teddy bears
Fig 2. "Mo", typical victim of British infidel imperialist no good fellow
18 November 2008
The spotted Wonderpus
It's not clear why the wonderpus has such distinctive markings in the first place. Biologists have mostly assumed that octopuses, being solitary animals, have little need for the ability to recognise other individuals and no one has properly tested whether they can do so. It's not unfeasible - octopuses are intelligent animals with decent memories and excellent eyesight.-- from How to tell Wonderpus Joe from Wonderpus Bob by Ed Yong
Something like gold
Eastern Congo is home to almost a third of the world’s last 700 wild mountain gorillas...Now, there are no trained rangers to protect them. More than 240 Congolese game wardens have been run off their posts, including some who narrowly escaped a surging rebel advance last month and slogged through the jungle for three days living off leaves and scoopfuls of mud for hydration.-- from Congo Violence Reaches Endangered Mountain Gorillas.
See also Congo riches are plundered by renegade army brigade and these posts from Grains of Sand.
Eat, eat, eat
GrrlScientist reviews Bottomfeeder: How to Eat Ethically in a World of Vanishing Seafood by Taras Grescoe.
Mark Bittman: A Seafood Snob Ponders the Future of Fish.
And "time is running out for Japan's obsession with the bluefin tuna."
Image: Bluefin tuna tail above a wash basin at the offices of the fisherman's union in Oma, Japan.
Mark Bittman: A Seafood Snob Ponders the Future of Fish.
And "time is running out for Japan's obsession with the bluefin tuna."
Image: Bluefin tuna tail above a wash basin at the offices of the fisherman's union in Oma, Japan.
17 November 2008
Is it alive?
Nick Carr comments on a proposal for "whole brain emulation" that imagines a software model "so faithful to the original that, when run on appropriate hardware, it will behave in essentially the same way as the original brain." (Hat tip AS)
Carr is sceptical that the modeling could ever truly mirror humanity in part because it does not take account of "free will". I don't want to comment on that here, but the debate puts me in mind of another, possibly related issue: the (alleged) failure of global earth system modeling to adequately reflect the role played by complex adaptive living systems.
P.S. On brain simulations, it is claimed that at least one has already been done -- for half a mouse in 2007 (Towards Real-Time, Mouse-Scale Cortical Simulations by James Frye, Rajagopal Ananthanarayanan, and Dharmendra S Modha)
P.S. 21 Nov: IBM to build brain-like computers
14 November 2008
The dance
What is life? We can point to all sorts of chemical processes, metabolic processes, reproductive processes that are present where there is life. But we ask, where is the life? You don't say life is a thing inside the organism. The life is this process that the organism is participating in, a process that involves an environmental niche and dynamic selectivity. If you want to find the life, look to the dynamic of the animal's engagement with its world. The life is there. The life is not inside the animal. The life is the way the animal is in the world.-- Alva Noë
13 November 2008
Blast them
[Environmental] groups say that "the sonar can be as loud as 2,000 jet engines, causing marine mammals to suffer lasting physical trauma, strandings and changes in breeding and migration patterns", but the U.S. Supreme Court Rules for Navy in Sonar Case.
But Joel Reynolds of the Natural Resources Defense Council says it will have minimal practical impact as only one training exercise remains.
But Joel Reynolds of the Natural Resources Defense Council says it will have minimal practical impact as only one training exercise remains.
12 November 2008
'Fish do not sit in seats'
I think the future on this planet depends on humans not technology. We are already already near the end game with knowledge, but we are nowhere near the end game when it comes to perception.-- Graham Hawkes on leaving 2-D thinking behind.
On the beach at the edge of the great sea, Theo Jansen shows his Strandbeests
Remembered hills
At 500 million years old, [the Gamburtsevs] may not be the oldest mountains on the planet, but they likely are the tallest of the ancient mountains still in existence.-- notes Matt Kaplan with reference to work by Tina Van de Flierdt et al.
An earlier post asked if life might come back to the Gamburtsevs in a warmer world. At the time, I was not aware of research pointing to their age. But if they really are about 500 million years old, then it seems almost certain that they have been inhabited by organisms larger than microbes before now.
11 November 2008
RNA 'bestiary' this graphic, which is part of an NYT package that includes articles on an 'identity crisis' for the gene, the promise and power of RNA and looking beyond 'gene'.
The third article quotes Evelyn Fox Keller:
The third article quotes Evelyn Fox Keller:
the notion of the gene as the atom of biology is very mistaken...DNA is a far richer and more interesting molecule than we could have imagined when we first started studying it.
Flower (2)
...While most of the flowers in the garden had rich scents and colors, we also had two magnolia trees, with huge but pale and scentless flowers. The magnolia flowers, when ripe, would be crawling with tiny insects, little beetles. Magnolias, my mother explained, were among the most ancient of flowering plants and had appeared nearly a hundred million years ago, at a time when "modern" insects like bees had not yet evolved, so they had to rely on a more ancient insect, a beetle, for pollination. Bees and butterflies, flowers with colors and scents, were not preordained, waiting in the wings -- and they might never have appeared. The would develop together, in infinitesimal stages, over millions of years. the idea of a world without bees or butterflies, without scent or color, affected me with awe.-- from Darwin and the Meaning of Flowers by Oliver Sacks.
The notion of such vast eons of time, and the power of tiny, undirected changes which by their accumulation could generate new worlds -- worlds of enormous richness and variety -- was intoxicating. Evolutionary theory provided, for many of us, a sense of deep meaning and satisfaction that belief in a Divine Plan had never achieved. The world became a transparent surface, through which one could see the whole history of life...
10 November 2008
Hath spied an icy fish
Megaleledone setebos lives in the Southern Ocean around Antarctica. It is one of the 'new' species described in the Census of Marine Life.
Wild 2.0
Dr Claudio Sillero...says vaccinations are the only hope of maintaining the Ethiopian wolf population.-- from Race to save world's rarest wolf. (Ewolf blog here)
Another day, another extinction event (or nearly so) over at IUCN:
The release of the first ever IUCN Red List of Threatened Species™ assessment of northeast Atlantic sharks, rays and chimaeras reveals that 26 percent are threatened with extinction and another 20 percent are in the Near Threatened category.One can accept the IUCN Red List system is distinctive and valuable, but why the commercial designation ™ rather than, say, a license under creative commons?
8 November 2008
Buzz off
And then there’s human pollination, as they’re doing in China. (Take millions of peasants, hand them bundles of chicken feathers, and let them climb through the fruit trees, touching every flower with a bit of pollen from a bucket.) What we’d have is extraordinarily high prices for most of the fruits and vegetables that provide our vitamins and antioxidants, if they could be found at all.-- from an assessment on what the consequences of the collapse of honey bees by Paul Comstock, via AS.
The word
It has taken about 40 million years for five agricultural systems to appear in fungus-growing ants. Human agriculture diversified on a massive scale in just a few thousand.-- from Language: a social history of words by Eörs Szathmáry and Szabolcs Számadó Nature 456, 40-41 (6 November 2008)
7 November 2008
At sea
As intelligent creatures go, cephalopods are perhaps the most "other" that we know; think of them as a dress rehearsal for the far-off day when we might encounter intelligent aliens. Cephalopod researchers love to share the latest stories about clever octopuses or emotional cuttlefish—stories that often involve daredevil escapes from aquarium tanks. In [a video made by Roger Hanlon], an octopus on a coral reef crosses a dangerous open stretch between coral heads. The animal assumes the posture, pattern, and coloration of a coral head, then stands on its tippy toes and slowly moves across open ground. The only things moving are the tips of the arms; the rest of the animal appears stationary. But here is the clever part: In shallow water at midday on a sunny, choppy day, intense shadows and light sweep across everything. Not only does the "moving rock" mimic them, it is careful to not exceed the speed of these light effects. It is fully aware of its appearance under changing conditions.-- Jaron Lanier (April 2006), who in this exchange, says "we are swimming in a sea of mystery".
Image: Octopus vulgaris
5 November 2008
A longer view
Much of the action in the global warming forecast takes place on timescales of centuries. When it comes time to make practical decisions about avoiding human-induced climate change, the century timescale is the first one to watch, no question. But just out of curiosity (if for no other reason), let’s consider climate changes on timescales that are much longer than that...-- David Archer
A kangaroo baby is born deaf, blind and no bigger than a little finger. The mother leans back so the baby can crawl up her belly into the pouch and latch on to a teat. The teat engorges the baby's mouth, the edges of which simultaneously tighten so the baby is hanging from the teat. the baby is unable to suckle, so the female injects milk into its mouth using a special muscle located directly above her mammary glands. She and the baby are so firmly attached that both will bleed if any attempt is made to separate them.-- from Terra Nullius by Sven Lindqvist.
The people of the desert think human beings were originally [like] baby kangaroos. The Luritja people believe the first people were joined to each other. Their eyes and ears were not open ad their arms were still attached along the sides of their torsos. The legs were pulled up against their bodies. In this helpless state they were cared for by small birds called kurbaru, who fed them little cakes made of grass seeds.
4 November 2008
An' forward, tho' I canna see...
Japanese scientists have managed to create clones from the bodies of mice which have been frozen for 16 years.
2 November 2008
Mental fight
As man advances in civilization, and small tribes are united into larger communities, the simplest reason would tell each individual that he ought to extend his social instincts and sympathies to all the members of the same nation, though personally unknown to him. This point being once reached, there is only an artificial barrier to prevent his sympathies extending to the men of all nations and races. If, indeed, such men are separated from him by great differences in appearance or habits, experience unfortunately shews us how long it is, before we look at them as our fellow-creatures. Sympathy beyond the confines of man, that is, humanity to the lower animals, seems to be one of the latest moral acquisitions.From The Descent of Man by Charles Darwin, quoted by Andy Revkin in discussion of a big question: can humanity learn self-transcendence? The proposal outlined here may be part of the way forward. I also like this comment from Roger Cohen:
Restraint engages the imagination.
(Photos: Passhendaele (1917) and Bioto Man (1921) by Frank Hurley)