8 July 2009

A more earth-frigged union

These images, from among 'best adverts to save the planet', are striking chimeras, combining unlikes to make something new. One might typically be described as a 'nightmare', the other as 'beautiful'. Both are 'strange'.


  1. My reaction to the first one is "I know it's a nightmare, but that's also beautiful".

    The second image looks to have been inspired by this(a Borgesian fantasy-world "encyclopedia" in an invented language nobody's deciphered, if you hadn't heard of it): http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Codex-seraphinianus-abbeville.jpg

  2. Thanks, Emily, and yes indeed the 'alligator', created by Almap BBDO Comunicações on behalf of Fundação O Boticário de Proteção à Natureza, does indeed look to have been inspired by that image from Codex Seraphinianus. Well done for making that connection!

    The Wiki page for the Codex led me to at least two things that were new and fascinating to me: A Book from the Sky by Xu Bing; and the Codex Mendoza, an extraordinary 'real' manuscript with an astonishing history...now 'right here' in Oxford.
