15 September 2009


The goal of this project is to bring awareness to the millions of species that are under threat because of climate change. I created 26 different cards with various endangered species...
-- from one of the entries in a climate change as art contest. One comment was:
The entries are nice but do not strike me as compelling. To me, they do not connect with people who are not already in the choir. An example of what worked well was the campaign that started as "Keep Texas beautiful" in an attempt to decrease littering. This slogan had no effect. The slogan that slowed littering was "Don't mess with Texas."...


  1. Horsefeathers! Both slogans worked, the first to rally thousands to work in harmony one community at a time and the second to give those thousands a mantra. It took both to acheive the results of cleaner highways and byways than would have otherwise been the case.

    Bob Horton, MS
    KAB and KTB Volunteer, 1977-Present

  2. Thanks, Bob H! So different slogans (and the associations/stories that go with them) can work at different times and/or with different communities.

    In No Eden, No apocalypse, Mike Hulme argues that "creative uses of the idea of climate change does not demand consensus over its meaning. Indeed, they may be hindered by the search for agreement. They thrive in conditions of pluralism."
