15 February 2010


"Write a blog post that took weeks of reflection before you heard the inner voice that needed to come out," advises Jaron Lanier. [1] It's a good enough cue for a pause in this blog while I crack on with the book with which it's associated.

[1] You Are Not A Gadget (2010)


  1. Greetings, Caspar,

    I happened upon your blog when I was looking news of the sculpture park of forams in China. What a treasure trove of info and images and inspiration of all sorts you provide here! Many thanks, and good luck with your book. Kind regards, Sky

  2. Dear Caspar,

    Greetings! I am a graduate student at the University of Oregon who very much enjoys reading your blog. Below is an analogy from Henry David Thoreau's /A Week on the Concord and Merrimack Rivers/ that reminded me of your interests:

    "It is so rare to meet with a man out-doors who cherishes a worthy thought in his mind, which is independent of the labor of his hands. Behind ever mans' busy-ness there should be a level of undisturbed serenity and industry, as within the reef encircling a coral isle there is always an expanse of still water, where the depositions are going on which will finally raise it above the surface." (from "Friday")

    All best, Paul
