1 May 2013


Chapter 14: Nautilus

page 213: nothing so odd will do long. More about Nipponites here.

page 222: Motion pictures...have enhanced and altered our sense of what it is to be.  In Street by James Nares, each six-second pan of a New York scene is distended to two minutes. It may, writes J. Hoberman, "suggest an updated version of Godfrey Reggio’s 1982 Koyaanisqatsi...actually, it is quite the opposite." According to Nares himself, Street is intended "to give the dreamlike impression of floating through a city full of people frozen in time."

In 1926 Virginia Woolf wrote
[The moving pictures] become not more beautiful in the sense in which pictures are beautiful, but shall we call it (our vocabulary is miserably insufficient) more real, or real with a different reality from that which we perceive in daily life?...Watching the boat sail and the wave break, we have time to open our minds wide to beauty and register on top of it the queer sensation — this beauty will continue, and this beauty will flourish whether we behold it or not.

Roundhay Garden Scene, 1888.
This is fifteenth in a new series of notes and comments on chapters in The Book of Barely Imagined Beings. It appears around the time of the US publication, and adds to an earlier series that appeared around UK publication.

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